Tuesday 14 February 2012

A quick note before we get started.

I only know what I know.  You’re thinking ‘of course you idiot’, but just before you look at this blog, I need you to know that there are a few things I wouldn’t expect to see anytime soon.  I am a casual gamer; I play for maybe 10/15 hours a week, mostly on the nights after work.  I do not have any insider knowledge of the gaming world apart from what I see on gaming websites, official developer sites, what people tell me or my general opinion. 
I am doing this blog purely for my own - and hopefully - your enjoyment.  Whether you agree with me or not is beside the point, although if you do leave comments about what I write, everything and anything will be very much appreciated. 
Now let’s have some fun and I’ll try and let my creative (and factual hopefully!) juices flow like...erm...like a bag of custard...erm....going through some...hmm.....very delicate and expensive computer equipment.. That’ll do.

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